Flights from London to Kuwait Starting at Just USD 119.91

Results for the best flights from London to Kuwait

The results shown for the best flights from London to Kuwait are based on price, speed, and convenience. The average journey duration is 19 h 11 mn. Tickets start at 119.91 and depend on factors such as the time of travel and the day of the week.

London to Kuwait flight information

Most popular airline

Pegasus Airlines

Average flight time

19 h 11 mn

Number of flights day


Results for the cheapest flights from London to Kuwait on May 18

Explore results for the cheapest flights from London to Kuwait. Compare prices, discover convenient travel times, and plan your route, all with no additional fees

Flight CodesAirlineAirportDeparture And ArrivalPrice
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Pegasus Airlines

LON - KWI13:40 - 22:55

From 187.16

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Pegasus Airlines

LON - KWI13:40 - 00:50

From 187.16

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Pegasus Airlines

LON - KWI15:45 - 00:50

From 187.16

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Pegasus Airlines

LON - KWI13:40 - 22:55

From 187.16

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Pegasus Airlines

LON - KWI13:40 - 22:55

From 187.16

The cheapest flight to Kuwait booked by our users in the last 48 hours:

Flight from London to Kuwait departing on 2024-03-12 flying with Pegasus Airlines and costing 119.91.

The fastest flight to Kuwait:

Kuwait Airways flight ticket, flying from London to Kuwait departing around 2023-12-20 with a journey duration of 6 h 10 mn.

Prices by airlines for May 18

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Alitalia Societa Aerea

From 3186.29

21 hr 55 min
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British Airlines

From 213.85

29 hr 25 min
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From 987.44

13 hr 25 min
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Etihad Airways

From 424.97

9 hr 50 min
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Gulf Air

From 724.64

8 hr 45 min


Additional Information

Helpful Information for Flights from London to KuwaitYou must ensure you have the correct travel documents before embarking on your journey to Kuwait. You should possess a valid and in-date passport and should check for any visa and other possible requirements in advance. The best way to get from Kuwait to London is to fly from London to Kuwait. The duration of the flight is 6 h 10 mn, travelling a distance of 5000 km. We recommend arriving at London at least 90 minutes ahead of your flight. If you’re travelling with checked-in luggage, give yourself more time and be prepared for queues during peak times.
How To Get Cheap Flights From London to KuwaitWe at WowTickets provide extensive coverage of over 350 airline partners worldwide in combination with advanced search algorithms, meaning our results are vast and tailored to your needs. We compare all major airlines and online travel agents to find the cheapest flights from London to Kuwait. There are no hidden fees with us - what you see is what you pay. Here is some more advice on how to make your trip from London to Kuwait as cheap as possible: - Find the cheapest month to fly Travelling to Kuwait during peak tourism season means flights, accommodation, and activities will be more expensive. You can compare flight prices on our website. - Try alternative routes Consider including nearby airports in London to widen your search results. Make use of our filters and search city to city, rather than airport to airport, to include more options. - Sign up for our alerts Sign up to receive alerts when flight prices fall. Prices currently start from 119.91. We also invite you to follow our social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated with the latest travel news.