About us

A fast-growing global travel platform offering exclusive deals not available anywhere else.

Wowtickets.com™ is a travel booking website and app that helps millions of global travellers with finding their next destination and the best way of getting there. Designed to save time and money Wowtickets.com™™ connects to airlines and other carriers direct as well as wholesale partners around the world to find the cheapest ticket to your destination.

You don't have to shop around anymore as we do all the hard work by searching thousands of travel options to get you the cheapest ticket. Many of our providers have special offers only available to closed customer groups, you won't find these deals on price comparison websites. Our logged-in members see the best offers straight away, all you need to do is sign up on the website to start saving.

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

We recognise our responsibility for sustainable travel and are investing heavily into technology to allow our customers make more green choices. We are also exploring supporting tree planting charities around the world to safeguard our planet for future generations. Follow our updates on sustainability to see the latest developments.