Find Flights Tickets to Havana

Best Flight Results to Havana

These flight results from different cities to Havana are based on a combination of the best price, speed, and convenience. The average duration of the flight is 3:00. Tickets start at 100 USD, and depend on factors such as travel time and the day of the week.

Havana, the Cuban capital full of color and history 

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is a cheerful and colorful capital, full of riots and amusements and with some splendid architectural jewels from the colonial period or later and many other attractions. The city alone justifies the trip to Cuba, many of the places of interest are concentrated in three zones: Habana Vieja, Centro Habana and Vedado, and Wow Tickets is here to show you a little more and show you how to get the best flights to Havana.

The top attractions in Havana

  • Plaza de La Catedral: Dominated by the elegant profile of its church, the Plaza de la Catedral is one of the must-see places to visit, a visit to the Cathedral of San Cristóbal will also provide you with a good experience, the baroque facade of the cathedral is still considered one of the most beautiful in the Americas.
  • Palacio de los Marqueses: Be sure to visit the Palacio de los Marqueses de Arcos, this building built in the 18th century houses an art gallery where engravings and crafts are sold and not far away, still in the Plaza de la Catedral, you can find the Colonial Art Museum: a building dating from 1720 that encloses inside an exhibition of furniture and colonial objects.
  • Museum of La Revolución: And since this is an island full of history, turbulent and full of important moments, A visit to the Museo de la Revolución, which is housed in the former presidential palace and opens doors to welcome tourists on a journey through the history of the Cuban revolution, is a must. Among the many objects and artifacts exhibited here, there will be perhaps nothing more impressive than the military tank used by Fidel Castro in 1961 at the Battle of the Bay of Pigs. You can find even more interesting stories and guides about Cuba on our blog

Tips to get the best flights to Havana 

Since you are interested and planning to fly to Havana, here are some tips on how you can get organized and get the best prices on the tickets.

  • Buy in Advance: to get cheap flights to Havana, try to buy in advance from 2 to 3 months, since if you leave to buy on the day of the trip or just a week before you will find very high prices.
  • Be flexible: In these times being flexible can help you a lot , such as searching for Havana air flights that go to airports in other cities making connections also help you save and even know more places on the same trip.

Time to enjoy the ride

Now you have your tickets to Havana, it’s time to experience and enjoy every second of the trip, from the departure of your city to the return. Do not leave anything for the last minute and be attentive to enjoy all the tips we have prepared for you. We wish you a great trip.