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Exploring Periyar: Natural Gem of Kerala

Exploring Periyar: Natural Gem of Kerala
Date ReleaseFebruary 22, 2024
Date UpdateFebruary 22, 2024

Periyar National Park, located in Kerala, is like a magical green land. It’s a big nature place full of trees and animals, a kind of big forest zoo where the animals live freely. This place is famous for its green grassy fields called “Periyar Meadows” and forests filled with tall bamboo trees, known as the “Bamboo Grove Periyar.” It’s a place where elephants wander around happily—this is the “Elephant Court Periyar.” It’s like a big, special home for them!

When people go to Kerala, they really like visiting this grand place, often called “Grand Thekkady Periyar.” It’s like a special holiday spot where you can see tigers and lots of other animals. The park is a special reserve for tigers, making it extra important to protect them. People who visit this place, like staying at nice places such as “Holiday Vista Periyar,” which is like a cool hotel nearby.

So, this place in Kerala called Periyar National Park is a super cool place with lots of trees, animals like elephants and tigers, and beautiful spots to visit and stay. It’s like a big nature adventure waiting for everyone!

Location And Landscape:

In the land of Kerala, hidden within the embrace of nature, lies the magnificent Periyar National Park. Located away in this place are wide, open grasslands called the Periyar Meadows, and dense forests filled with tall, slender bamboo trees known as Bamboo Grove Periyar. Here, elephants roam freely in what is known as Elephant Court Periyar, creating a scene straight out of a wildlife adventure!

And then there’s the Grand Thekkady Periyar, an area within the park that feels like stepping into a natural wonderland, surrounded by greenery as far as the eye can see. Holiday Vista Periyar offers breathtaking views of this paradise, where visitors can’t help but feel awe-inspired by the beauty around them.

Kerala Periyar Tiger Reserve, another name for this sanctuary, is home to an incredible variety of plants and animals. With its winding rivers and peaceful lakes, the park captivates all who visit, leaving them with memories of a place where nature reigns supreme.

In essence, this place, known by various names like Periyar Meadows Thekkady Kerala or The Elephant Court Periyar, is a jewel  of natural beauty, inviting everyone to experience the splendour of the wild in Kerala’s heartland.


Periyar National Park in Kerala is like a bustling town where different animals and plants live. It’s a bit like a busy city, but instead of buildings, there are tall trees and fields. The park has lots of different plants, like colourful flowers and tall grasses. Some areas have clusters of bamboo, which are like giant, hollow grasses. It’s where animals like elephants, tigers, and deer call home. There you would love  going for a walk in a place where you see big animals munching on leaves or roaming around. 

In one part called Periyar Meadows, there’s a lot of open space where animals wander around freely. It’s almost like their own little village! The Elephant Court in Periyar is like a meeting place for these majestic creatures. They come here to drink water and take baths, which is pretty cool to watch.

Then there’s Holiday Vista – another spot where you might see different kinds of animals and birds. All these places are like neighbourhoods where animals live, eat, and play together. And it’s not just about animals; the park is a treasure box for different types of plants too, making it a colourful and lively home for nature’s wonders.

Conservation Efforts:

In the lush, green world of Periyar National Park, where tall trees stretch towards the sky and the air whispers with life, something really special is happening to protect all the amazing creatures that call this place home.

Deep inside the forests of Kerala’s Periyar, in spots like the Periyar Meadows Thekkady and Bamboo Grove, there are dedicated people working hard to keep animals like elephants, tigers, and other animals safe. They’ve set up smart plans, like making sure no one hurts these majestic creatures, and getting the local communities involved in protecting their homes.

Around spots like the Elephant Court and Holiday Vista, folks are also teaching visitors how important it is to look after nature. They show everyone how to explore and enjoy the grand Thekkady Periyar without causing harm. They even have cosy places for visitors to stay, like in the Holiday Vista Periyar, that are eco-friendly!

All these efforts in Periyar National Park, also known as the Kerala Periyar Tiger Reserve, are like a big hug to the animals and plants here. They’re making sure that people can still come and see the amazing wildlife without causing any troubles. It’s like having a big family where everyone helps each other live happily in their wild home!

Periyar Lake And Activities:

 Let’s dive into the part about Periyar Lake and what you can do there! When you visit Periyar National Park in Kerala, you’ll find this awesome place called Periyar Lake. It’s like a big, calm water area surrounded by beautiful forests. There are these cool boats you can hop on to explore the lake and see amazing animals hanging out near the water. It’s like going on a peaceful adventure!

Around the lake, there are some special spots you can check out too. There’s this place called Periyar Meadows Thekkady, which is like a big, open area with grass and trees where animals come to chill. Then, there’s the Bamboo Grove Periyar, which is like a forest of really tall, strong bamboo plants. It’s like a secret hideout for some animals!

If you’re lucky, you might spot some elephants at the Elephant Court Periyar. They sometimes come near the lake to drink water and relax. And if you want to stay close to all this nature fun, there are places like Grand Thekkady Periyar and Holiday Vista Periyar where you can stay and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

So, when you’re at Periyar National Park, don’t miss out on the lake – it’s where you can hop on a boat, see animals, and explore some amazing places nearby!

Eco-Tourism And Sustainability:

Periyar National Park in Kerala isn’t just a regular park. It’s like a big garden full of trees and animals. People go there for holidays and to see tigers and elephants. One special thing about Periyar is how it takes care of nature. They make sure to keep it safe and healthy for animals and plants. 

There are places to stay near Periyar called “Periyar Meadows Thekkady” and “Holiday Vista Periyar.” These places try really hard to help nature. They use things that don’t hurt the environment, like special lights and ways to save water. It’s like they’re friends with nature!

You can also see a cool place called the “Elephant Court Periyar” and “Grand Thekkady Periyar.” These places let you enjoy nature while being careful not to harm it. There’s even a place called “Bamboo Grove Periyar” where they use things made from bamboo, which is a plant that grows quickly without hurting nature.

By staying in these places, people learn how to take care of nature. It’s like a fun lesson! They try to be good friends with nature while having a great time on their holidays at Periyar National Park in Kerala.

Trekking And Nature Walks:

In Periyar National Park, there are fantastic trails for walking and exploring nature. You can walk through the Periyar Meadows in Thekkady, a beautiful place with lots of open land and greenery. Walking among the Bamboo Grove in Periyar is also amazing—imagine tall bamboo trees all around you, swaying gently in the breeze.

The Elephant Court in Periyar is another spot where you can take a walk. It’s a place where you might even catch a glimpse of elephants roaming freely in their natural habitat. Then there’s the Grand Thekkady Periyar, where you can wander around and enjoy the calm atmosphere.

If you’re staying at the Holiday Vista in Periyar, don’t miss the chance to explore the nearby trails. They offer a chance to see the natural beauty up close and maybe even spot some wildlife. And don’t forget about the Kerala Periyar Tiger Reserve—there are guided walks that take you through the reserve, letting you experience the wild side of Kerala.

These walks are like adventures through nature’s own storybook, with each trail revealing its own special surprises, from stunning landscapes to glimpses of animals in their natural homes.

Tribal Culture And Periyar:

In Periyar National Park, there’s a special part that’s not just about animals and trees. It’s about people too! See, near places like Periyar Meadows Thekkady and Bamboo Grove Periyar, there are tribes, like families living there for a very long time. They have their own ways, their own songs and dances, and even their own homes made from nature’s things.

When people visit Grand Thekkady Periyar or Holiday Vista Periyar, they can meet these tribes. They show us how they live and share their stories. It’s like stepping into their world for a little while. They teach us about their traditions and crafts, things they make with their hands from materials like bamboo, showing us how clever they are.

These tribes have a deep connection with the land and the animals in Kerala Periyar Tiger Reserve. They tell us about their friendship with elephants and other creatures. The Elephant Court Periyar is a place where these big, gentle animals are admired and respected by the tribes.

It’s a chance for visitors to learn about these special cultures and see how they live close to nature. It’s like discovering a whole new world within the beautiful Periyar National Park.

Tiger Reserve:

Periyar National Park is like a superhero home for tigers. They’re not just cool cats; they’re the kings of this jungle. The park’s bosses, the tigers, are super special, and everyone here works hard to keep them safe.

Being a tiger reserve means this place is their VIP zone. It’s where they live without worry, away from trouble. Why? Because they’re a bit rare and need extra protection, just like superheroes need their secret hideouts.

So,  deep in the wild, Periyar is like a fortress for these striped heroes. Rangers and park rangers make sure they’re safe from bad stuff like hunting or getting lost. They even help the tigers meet their tiger friends to grow their tiger family. That’s how they keep the tiger gang strong!

But it’s not just about the tigers. Keeping them safe means keeping their home sweet too. That’s why people in Periyar National Park make sure the forest is clean and healthy. A happy home for tigers means a happy home for everyone else living here too.

So, in this special place, the tigers rule, and everyone else cheers them on, making sure they stay the kings of the jungle for a long, long time.


At the end of the story about Periyar National Park, it’s like the last part of a book that sums up everything. So, think of it like this: Periyar National Park, in Kerala, is like a jewel  of amazing things. It has the Periyar Meadows in Thekkady, where you can see wide grasslands like big green carpets. Then, there’s the Bamboo Grove, where tall, strong bamboo trees grow, making it feel like a secret hideout. 

And oh, there’s the Elephant Court! That’s a place where elephants come and hang out. Can you picture how amazing it would be to watch these gentle giants up close? It’s grand, like a big adventure waiting for you. In this special place called Holiday Vista, you get to stay right in the middle of all this excitement.

Kerala’s Periyar Tiger Reserve is like a superhero because it protects all the amazing animals living there. The park is like a big puzzle, with everything fitting together to make a beautiful picture. So, to finish our story, Periyar National Park is a magical place where nature and animals live together, waiting for curious explorers like you to visit and discover their secrets.

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